Welcome to the Generosity Journey! Before you go further, please take a minute to watch the introductory video from Pastor Gerry.
We are glad you’re here! Our heart behind this is that it’s not a fundraiser to support our church, but rather curriculum to come alongside you as you dive deeper into what God says about money. The four levels represent a different stage of giving. We recognize that each person’s giving journey is unique, and we encourage you to identify where you are on the journey and take the next step towards growing in generosity. As with any road trip… it’s a lot more fun when you’re not alone! We’re here for you. Let’s do this together.
Step No. 1 : Introductory Giving
Someone at this stage might say: “I currently am not giving for a variety of reasons, but want to learn how.” Is this you? Does giving your money away, or the thought of tithing to a local church feel taboo?
Step No. 2 : Inspired Giving
Someone at this stage might say: “I am generous when I feel moved or see a compelling opportunity that needs my help.” It is God’s design for our hearts to feel empathy and be moved to action - where our treasure is, there our hearts will be, also! It’s a great place to be on the journey to living fully for Jesus. Let’s go deeper!
After Steps 1 & 2: 90 Day Tithe Challenge
We understand that trusting God with your money can be scary at first. Did you know the word “tithe” means “tenth” in Hebrew? For the next 90 days, give God the first 10% of your income and see what He will do. If 10% is more than you can do, no worries! Just start somewhere and be faithful. Then as your faith increases, let your generosity increase as well. God promises blessings to those who faithfully tithe. (Malachi 3:10-12, Luke 6:38). Tithing is ultimately about your relationship with God. It's a tangible expression of your love, obedience, and trust in Him. Try it out!
Malachi 3:10 says “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this, Says the Lord of hosts, If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.”
Step No. 3 : Faithful Giving
Someone at this stage might say: “I am generous in giving back to God my tithe, the first 10% of all my income, trusting Him to use it for good and provide all my needs.” If this is you, we invite you dive deeper, and stretch your faith!
Step No. 4 : Fearless Giving
Someone at this stage might say: “I am generous beyond 10% of my income because I am obsessed with seeing God at work around me and know I can’t out-give Him.” Exciting! Let’s talk about what’s next.
After Steps 3 & 4: Join a Giving Project
What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are, and helps proclaim the good news of Jesus. Consider this an invitation to join a giving project. Click the button below to see available projects - some happening right here at the Refuge, and others happening among the Nations, all vetted and trusted by our staff & trustees.
Attend a Class
Love what you see, but want to dive deeper in community? We have Generosity Journey classes happening several times each year. Fill out the brief form to submit your interest in attending a Generosity Journey Class, coming soon in 2025!