Thrive Groups

Periodic gatherings where we can get to know each other, grow in knowledge, and encourage each other in faith, hope, and love. View the list below to find one that works for you & feel free to reach out to the contact for more information.

  • Time: Every other Tuesday 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

    Starting September 10th at The Refuge for adults and adolescents interested in learning the Bible.  This group will be studying passages where Jesus references the Old Testament to gain a richer understanding of His messages.

    Contact: Gary Conner


  • Location: The Refuge

    Time: Wednesdays

    Contact: Jessi Nash

  • Meal, Sermon Discussion/Bible Study, Praise Reports, Prayer

    Location: Buterbaugh-Zerby home in Philomath

    Time: Every other Wednesday 5:30-7:30 PM

    The time begins with communion and a meal, then moves to discussion of recent sermons at The Refuge and reading related Bible passages.

    Contact: Cynthia Zerby

  • Meal, Sermon Discussion, Bible Study, Praise Reports, Prayer

    Location: Melott home in Philomath

    Time: Thursdays 6-8 PM

    Duration/Dates: September 5th - December 5th

    Contact: Tim Melott

  • Mothers’ support group, discussion and story time with preschoolers, child care not provided

    Location: Various

    Time: Every other Thursday morning at 9:30 AM

    Starting September 5th

    Contact: Lisa Immler

  • Mothers' support discussion and prayer.

    Location: The Refuge

    Time: Scheduled Saturdays 9:30 - 11:30 AM

    Duration/Dates: Contact: Kim Dunn



    McKenzie McHuron-Guss: 541-609-0436

    Have a meal, craft, time of fellowship, connection, building each other up in Christ, drawing closer to God and each other. Come as you are. A place for people wanting to belong and be loved. Koinonia is the Greek word for Christian fellowship or communion, with God, or more commonly, with fellow Christians. 

  • Meal, Sermon Discussion, and Prayer. Children are welcome.

    Location: Dunn and Swindon Homes

    Time: Every other Thursday 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM


    Kim Dunn | 541-990-6414

    Rachel Swindon | 360-320-3293

    Begins October 31st

For: Students 5th-12th grade

When: Every Sunday 6:00pm (dinner served!)

Questions? Fill out the form below to contact our Youth Pastor, Jason Kelley.