First Things First

God’s Word teaches us that if we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, we can live a life free from worry, trusting that He will meet all of our needs. In this series, we will learn what a kingdom is, how God’s Kingdom is different from earthly kingdoms, and how to be successful at seeking it first.

First Things First

Week 1: Pastor Gerry starts a new series discussing what should be first in our life.

First Things First: The Nature Of Kingdoms

Week 2: Pastor Gerry continues his series about putting first things first. This week he discusses the nature of kingdoms.

First Things First: The Two Sides To Righteousness

Week 3: Pastor Gerry continues his First Thing's First series. This weeks message covers the purpose of righteousness.

First Things First: What Do You See?

Week 4: Pastor Gerry continues his First Thing's First series. This week focuses on how we make the lamp of our body good.

First Things First: Unity

Week 5: Pastor Gerry continues the First Thing's First series. This week focuses on the importance of unity.

First Things First: Obedience

Week 6: Pastor Gerry continues the First Thing's First series. This week focuses on the importance of obedience.

First Things First: Loyalty

Week 7: Pastor Gerry continues the First Thing's First series. This week focuses on the importance of loyalty.

First Things First: Love

Week 8: Pastor Gerry continues in the First Thing’s First series. This week we talk about love.